Purchase of raw materials


     As a representative of the production and sales model of the company + base + farmer, Gutailang Company undertakes the sales tasks of the mushroom growers in Tanghe County. At the same time, the company has fixed suppliers of mushroom cultivation cooperatives in Shuanglong Town and Dinghe Town of Xixia County, providing high quality and stable supply of mushrooms for a long time.
     Gutailang company began to strictly control the procurement of raw materials, according to the 1SO9001 quality management system, established procurement control procedures, formulated the criteria for selection, evaluation and re-evaluation of suppliers, and clarified the control requirements of the procurement process. Any raw materials belonging to Chenhuo or worms will not be stored in the warehouse. The company's raw materials are all from unpolluted highland areas and rural areas far from cities and industrial and mining areas, ensuring that water and soil are not contaminated.